Tensor Algebra

This section introduces certain key topics related to the algebra of tensors. The choice of topics is not exhaustive, but provides a good starting point for the study of Euclidean tensor analysis.

Multilinear functions and tensors

Let us extend the definition of bilinear functions introduced in the preceding section to multilinear functions. Given inner product spaces , consider a map such that for any , , and , Such functions, which are linear separately in each of their arguments, are said to be multilinear. We will denote the set of all multilinear functions of this form as .

Note that multilinearity and linearity are distinct concepts, as the following example illustrates.


Consider the functions defined as follows: for any , It follows that given , We thus see that is linear, but is not. On the other hand, note that We thus see that is not multilinear, even though it is linear, and is multilinear and not linear.

Let us now focus attention on a single inner product space of dimension and multilinear functions defined on finite Cartesian products of . A tensor of order on is defined as multilinear function of the form The set of all multilinear maps of the form is denoted by . Thus denotes the set of all tensors of order on . Defining maps and as for any , and , it is easy to verify that is a real linear space.


The set , defined as the set of all linear functions on , is called the (algebraic) dual space of , and is often written as . It turns out that if is a finite dimensional inner product space, then is canonically isomorphic to . This means that and are identical for all practical purposes. For this reason, a vector is often called a tensor of order . Further, in this case, the action of any on any is defined as follows: This is a simple instance of what is known as the Riesz representation theorem. It is conventional to define . Thus, tensors of order are scalars, tensors of order are vectors, and tensors of order can be identified with linear maps. The present definition thus unifies the various kinds of linear spaces on studied earlier. The set of all is said to constitute a tensor algebra on .


As a simple but important example of tensors, consider the second order tensor on defined as follows: for any , The multilinearity of , in this case just its bilinearity, follows from the bilinearity of the inner product.

More generally, given any linear map , we can define a second order tensor as follows: for any , It is left as a simple exercise to verify that the map is a second order tensor on .


Defining the identity map on as the map such that for any , note that the corresponding second order tensor is precisely the tensor introduced earlier.

Tensor products

Given two tensors and , it is possible to combine them to obtain a tensor of higher order. Specifically, the tensor product of and is defined as the tensor such that for any , As a special case given vectors , their tensor product yields a second order tensor : for any , The foregoing definition can be extended to define the tensor product of a finite number of tensors. Suppose that are vectors in . The tensor product of these vectors is defined as the multilinear map such that for any set of vectors in , Thus, the tensor product allows us to construct higher order tensors from lower order tensors. A higher order tensor that is constructed from vectors, like the one shown above, is called a rank- tensor.


There is an ambiguity in the tensor product notation that warrants clarification. Given vectors , the quantity can stand for either a linear map, i.e. an element of , or a tensor of order , i.e. an element of . The vector spaces and are isomorphic - this means that they can be naturally identified with each other. Indeed, given any , the bilinear function defined as for any , can be used to uniquely associate an element of with , and vice versa. This isomorphism is often abused to represent both and using the same symbol. In practice, such an ambiguity is averted by specifying the domain and codomain of every function that is used. A similar ambiguity arises in the case of tensors of higher order - the appropriate meaning is to be inferred from the context.

Basis representation

Recall that the set of all tensors of order on is a linear space. This means that we can legitimately ask how we can construct a basis for it, and represent any order tensor in terms of this basis. This question will be explored in this section.

Let us first consider the special case when an orthonormal basis of is provided. Then, the representation of a order tensor is easily computed by considering the action of on vectors in , where : where It follows from the orthonormality of that Putting these together, we get Since this is true for any choice of vectors , we get the representation of with respect to the orthonormal basis of as The constants are called the components of with respect to the basis of .

The representation of just derived also informs us that the set of multilinear functions spans . By studying the actin of on a set of basis vectors, it is easy to show that these multilinear functions are also linearly independent. This shows us that the set of multilinear maps constitute a basis of , and that .


Let us consider the second order tensor defined earlier. Suppose that is an orthonormal basis of . The representation of can be computed easily as follows: where We thus see that the second order tensor has the following representation: Notice how the Krönecker delta symbols defined earlier naturally figure as the components of the tensor .

It is convenient to represent the components of second order tensor as a matrix. For instance, the components of just computed can be arranged as follows: Note that any second order tensor can be represented as a matrix, but such a representation is not possible for higher order tensors.

Let us quickly consider the representation of with respect to a general basis of . As before, the multilinearity of can be used to express it in terms of the basis as follows: for any , where . Since this holds for any choice of , it follows that It is straightforward to check that the set of tensors form a basis of . This also shows that the dimension of is . The coefficients are called the covariant components of with respect to the basis of .

An alternative means to represent the basis representation of the tensor can be obtained using the relations in the basis expansion derived earlier. This yields the following representation: where It is left as an easy exercise to prove that the set of multilinear maps also form a basis of . The corresponding components of the tensor are the constants , and are called the contravariant components of .


It is also possible to defined mixed components of a given tensor by having few of the indices as covariant and the remaining as contravariant, but such generalizations are not considered here in the interest of simplicity.

Change of basis

Note that the representation of a tensor on is always with respect to some choice of basis on . Let us now study how this representation changes when we change the basis of . As before, let us first consider the simple case of orthonormal bases. Let and be two orthonormal bases of . Let the representation of a order tensor with respect to these bases be given by If , then we see that which shows that


We can equivalently derive this transformation rule as follows Notice how the orthonormality of the two bases and of are implicitly used in this derivation.


Let us revisit the second order tensor that we studied earlier. Suppose that and are orthonormal bases of such that . Let the representation of with respect to these bases be as follows: The components and of with respect to the orthonormal bases and , respectively, can be computed as follows: We thus see that, in this case, .

Alternatively, we can compute the components in terms of the components as follows: The last step follows from the fact that is an orthogonal matrix.

Let us briefly consider the case when general bases are employed. Suppose that the tensor has components and with respect to bases and , respectively. The relationship between these components is easily computed as follows: The inverse of this relation can also be computed similarly.


Let be a finite dimensional inner product space, and let be an orthonormal basis of . Given a tensor of order , where , the -contraction of is the tensor of order defined as follows: for any , Choosing to be the set , we see that The definition of the contraction is best illustrated with the help of some simple examples.


Suppose that is a fourth order tensor on , and is an orthonormal basis of . The -contraction of is the second order tensor defined as follows: for any , Expressing both sides in terms of the orthonormal basis , we get Since this is true for any choice of , we get the following result: Thus, we can express the second order tensor in terms of the orthonormal basis of as Other possible contractions of can be expressed similarly. For instance, and so on; other possible contractions can be computed similarly.


Suppose that is a second order tensor. In this case, there is only one possible contraction of the tensor , namely . This is easily computed as follows: if is an orthonormal basis of , then In this special case, the contraction is called the trace of , and is often written as . The trace of the linear map associated with will be defined in a later section.

Note that the definition of the contraction operation uses the orthonormal basis of . It turns out that if we use a different orthonormal basis, the definition remains unaltered. To see this, suppose that is another orthonormal basis of that is related to the orthonormal basis through the relations . Then, for any tensor of order , it follows that Here are any vectors in . We thus see that the contraction operation does not depend on whether we choose the basis or the basis . In this sense, the definition of the contraction operation is said to be well-defined since we get the same tensor irrespective of the choice of orthnormal basis. This remains true even if use a general basis, but this requires a more careful treatment, as will be discussed next.

Let be a general basis of . Given a tensor of order , where , the -contraction of can be defined as follows: for any , Notice how both the basis and its reciprocal basis figure in this equation. It can be verified with a simple calculation that the order in which the bases and appear in this expression is not important. Thus, Further, a calculation analogous to the one presented earlier can be used to establish the fact the contraction operation is well defined in the sense that using a different (general) basis of results in the same tensor as when the basis is used.

The basis representation of with respect to the general basis of can be computed using the foregoing definitions. Recall that has the following basis representation: It is left as an exercise to verify that the contraction of is given by Notice the extra factor , unlike the representation with the choice of an orthonormal basis.


In the special case of a second order tensor , there is only one possible contraction, , which we introduced earlier as the trace of . With respect to a general basis of , it can be checked that Note that in the special case when is an orthonormal basis of , the expression for the trace of reduces to the familiar form .

Generalized dot product of tensors


This terminology is not standard, but it is adequate for the purposes of this course.

Certain special operations called generalized dot products, or simply dot products, are now introduced between tensors of different orders. These are introduced on account of their prevalence in the continuum mechanics literature. Throughout this section, denotes a finite dimensional inner product space.

To motivate the definition of the generalized dot product of tensors on , it is helpful to first consider a few important special cases. In the simplest case, given two vectors , note that the inner product of these two vectors can be expressed in terms of the contraction operation as follows: This restatement of the inner product in terms of the contraction operation will serve as the starting point for its generalization to the dot product of two arbitrary tensors.

Suppose that are any three vectors in . Then the vector is defined as follows: To understand what this means, consider the action of the vector on an arbitrary vector : if is a general basis of , then Since this is true for any , it follows that This result also provides a means to compute the dot product of a second order tensor and a vector : if is any basis of , then Note that denote the linear map corresponding to the second order tensor , then, for any , . This is most easily seen by representing both sides this equation with respect to an orthonormal basis of . This shows that the dot product defined here is consistent with the theory of linear maps developed earlier.


Note that given an arbitrary second order tensor and an arbitrary vector , and are, in general, different vectors. The generalized dot product of tensors is thus not necessarily symmetric.

As an extension of the foregoing ideas, we now define dot products for tensors of second order. Given vectors , the dot product between the second order tensors and is defined as follows: The simplest means to understand this by considering the dot products of two second order tensors . If denotes an orthonormal basis of , and and are the representations of and , respectively, with respect to this basis, then note that


It is important to note that different authors follow different conventions regarding this. For instance, it common in the Continuum Mechanics literature to use the following notations: for any two second order tensors , where and are the components of and , respectively, with respect to some orthonormal basis of . Note that the dot product , according to our definition, is according to this definition. Care must be therefore exercised when reading the literature to understand the appropriate meaning of a quantity like .

The reason for defining the generalized dot product the way we have done is to ensure a uniform and simple notation for many differential and integral identities that we will encounter later on. It is important, however, to keep in mind that this is essentially a matter of convention.

As a final and useful example, note that if is a tensor of order , where , and is a second order tensor, then, with respect to an orthonormal basis of , The extension of this notion of dot products can be similarly extended to tensors of higher orders.


Suppose that are second order tensors on . Then, it is true that This is most easily seen with the help of the basis representation with respect to an orthonormal basis of : in this case, thereby establishing the claim.


Suppose that is a second order tensor on and are two vectors in , then This is also easily established by choosing an orthonormal basis of $V$. The component form of then reads It can be shown similarly that .

Volume forms

Let be an inner product space of dimension . A tensor is said to be symmetric if, for any , where . If the sign reverses when any two arguments are interchanged, then the tensor is said to be skew-symmetric.


It turns out that the set of all antisymmetric tensors of a given order have a rich algebraic structure, called exterior algebra.

A volume form on is a skew-symmetric tensor of order . It is customary to denote the set of all volume forms on using the notation : It is important to note that the trivial volume form that maps every set of vectors in to zero is excluded from this discussion. A volume form that is not trivial is said to be non-trivial. All volume forms considered here are assumed to be non-trivial.

Given two volume forms , it can be shown that there exists a scalar such that . An equivalent way of stating this is that the set of all antisymmetric tensors of order over an -dimensional vector space is a vector space of dimension : .


Let be an orthonormal basis of $V$, and let $\omega \in \Omega^n(V)$ be a volume form. The component representation of the volume form $\omega$ with respect to this basis is It is important to note that the components are skew-symmetric. It is convenient to introduce the Levi-Civita symbol Using this, we see at once that If is another volume form, it admits the representation It follows at once that $\omega = a\eta$, where Note that this fraction is well defined since we work only with non-trivial volume forms. This shows that $\text{dim}(\Omega^n(V)) = 1$.

It is conventional to choose the special volume form $\epsilon \in \Omega^n(V)$ such that We thus see that the Levi-Civita symbols are just the components of the tensor $\epsilon$ with respect to the orthonormal basis . The tensor $\epsilon$ is called the Levi-Civita tensor.

Picking a particular volume form , the set of all volume forms such that for some are said to constitute an orientation of . Given this orientation on , a basis of is said to be right-handed if , and left-handed otherwise.


It is emphasized that the choice of orientation is arbitrary. Typically, a special volume form that has mathematical or physical relevance is chosen and the positive orientation is defined with respect to this choice. With a particular choice of orientation, it is customary to focus only on only right-handed bases.

Rather than discussing the general theory of volume forms, it is useful to look at volume forms on the three dimensional Euclidean space . The standard volume form on , written , sometimes called the Levi-Civita tensor, is defined as follows: if denotes the standard basis of , where is the Levi-Civita symbol, defined as follows: Note that - the standard basis of is thus right handed with respect to the standard volume form of .


A permutation of order is formally defined as a bijection of the form , where . A special kind permuatation is the swap permutation that interchanges the and elements in . It can be shown that any arbitrary permutation of can be obtained as a succession of swaps of . Further, the number of such swaps, for a given permutation, is either always even or always odd. This can be used to assign a parity, or a sign, to the permuation. The notation is often used to denote the sign of the permutation . If , the permutation is said to be even, while if , the permutation is said to be odd.


Recall that the three dimensional Euclidean space admits a special algebraic operation called the cross product: given any two vectors and , where is the standard basis of , their cross product is defined as the vector given by This can be written compactly using the Levi-Civita symbols , as follows: as can be easily checked.

An alternative definition of the cross product of two vectors in can be given in terms of the standard volume form of . Given vectors , their cross product satisfies the following relation: for any , This expression can be used to define the cross product in terms of the volume form. It is left as an exercise to verify this. (Hint. Choose to be the standard basis . This immediately yields: .)

The advantange in defining the cross product in terms of the volume form is that this allows us to extend the notion of a cross product to higher (and lower!) dimensional analogues called wedge products. We will not be studying wedge products here, but they play an important role in exterior algebra and the theory of differential forms.


We will now introduce a few important identities relating the Levi-Civita symbols and the Kronecker delta symbols , called the identities. These can be written succinctly as follows: These relations are easily proved by direct inspection. For instance, to prove the first identity, note that is if any of the pair of indices , or has repeated indices, owing to the skew-symmetry of the Levi-Civita symbol. In this case, the right hand side is also zero since this would correspond to the determinant of a matrix with either two identical rows, or two identical columns. Suppose then that the indices do not repeat. Then there are only two possibilities: either is an even permutation of , or not. In the former case, . Note that if is an even permutation of , then exactly one of the three possibilities are true: , or , or . In each of these cases, it can be verified by direct substitution that the identity is true. The case when is an odd permutation of is computed similarly, thereby estabilishing the validity of the first identity. It is left as a simple exercise to prove the remaining three identities based on the first by direct substitution.


As an illustration of the use of the identities, let us prove the following identity: given any three vectors , it is true that Using the definition of the cross product, we see that The idenity is thus proved.